Thursday, September 27, 2012


  The thunder and lightning came around 11 pm. It started out as a dry storm, but around midnight we had some intense rain and hail falling. The thunder smashed up above us and the lightning did the same. The storm seemed to sit right on top of us and the noise alone kept me awake from 11-2.
    Non-the-less, we were up by 630 and hiking in off and on drizzle. What a change from yesterday. Also, this was the first rainy day we have had on the trail.
     I had planned on hiking ahead of Lauren today, on to where the PCTA crew was working. This all changed when I got to Tacoma Pass! A sign indicated trail magic just ahead. I got there to find "Not Phil's dad". He had a great set up with two large canopy tents and chairs with loads of food under it for hikers. He made us hot chocolate and chilly dogs. Perfect second breakfast! I also ate an orange, a peach, and hiked out with a large muffin!
   We left feeling full and happy! We then hiked on. It was actually beautiful walking in the drizzle and clouds. In the 50s, it was perfect for hiking.
     I could not resist picking huckleberries after Tacoma Pass, and I picked half a quart in no time. I ran into the trail crew around 11 am. TC showed me how he makes perfect trail. The trail his crew was brushing and retreading was amazingly smooth and clear. Thanks PCTA! He told us where their camp was and where to find the fuel canisters he got for us. We parted after chatting awhile, and got to the camp quickly. There we found the cooks who immediately offered to cook us lunch! Grilled cheese, soup, cheesecake, and Gatorade were all given to us. What a great lunch on a cold rainy day! We eventually left the vortex and kept hiking. Thanks for everything TC and PCTA.
   Onward. We were given word that there was yet more trail magic at Stampede Pass, 6 miles away. We leisurely walked talking about the food we had been given today, and how lucky we are!
   At Stampede Pass we found the Stumbling Norwegian giving even more trail magic. He made us a hamburger, hot dogs, gave me a beer and homemade Kahlua, and brownies, and cookies, and poptarts. So amazingly kind.
   We had three legit, amazing, tasty, gifts of trail magic all in 12 miles. We are so lucky and could not ask for a better day to be spoiled, our first rainy day!
   We walked a few more miles and found a good campsite. There are a lot of elk around here bugling! It is very majestic. We hiked over 21 miles today and enjoyed three hot meals and three hour long breaks. What a great day.

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